Essay One ----
You heard that a sports center would be closed. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter, you should
1). Tell how you heard about the news
2). Say what your opinion is about this
3). Explain how it impacts your life
Dear Sir/Madam,
I just heard from a friend that the Qing Bird sports center is to be closed soon. The news stroke me as odd and in an abrupt way. Therefore, as a member of the sports club, I’m writing to inquire what has been going on and how you are going to handle this.
I bought the silver membership card last December and go to the center to keep fit from time to time. I find the facilities and services quite convenient and it’s been fun working out there. Having no idea it will be shut down, I still have hundreds of dollars left to go in my membership account.
I hope to get the money back as well as some due compensation, such as discount entitlements in some other Qing Bird sports center somewhere near our neighborhood. What’s more, whatever has caused this closure, I suggest you make an announcement informing the club members and residents of your plan. The sooner, the better.
I hope you can help work this out smoothly with the club members who are in the same boat as me. I look forward to your feedback.
Laura Qi
(196 words)
Essay Two ----
In modern society, many people think that primary schools should teach science and technology rather than history and geography which are useless and boring. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Modern society is characterized by discoveries and inventions that are unexceptionally the outcome of scientific and technological research, so much so that schools are beginning to doubt whether it is still necessary to teach other courses such as history and geography. Does the doubt have adequate grounds?
Admittedly, science and technology is the number one incentive for productivity development. Without Einstein’s invention of light bulb and telephone, the world would have been hundreds of years lagging behind. Similarly, without many other scientists, Nobel Prize winner or not, we would not have been enjoying such convenience, longevity and prosperity.
Nevertheless, history and geography are in no way less important. History provides lessons for us to learn, so that we can circumvent hidden traps and avoid paying high price by making mistakes. Geography, for one thing, provides the map for tapping various mining resources, thus helping sustain our development. To maintain peace,wealth and sustainable development, is essential to all, not least among countries and regimes across the globe. As to the stereotyped thinking that history and geography are boring, it might be true, if the teachers fail to find interesting ways to present the contents to class. However, surely there are more capable and innovative teachers who take their work seriously. The recently popular history teacher, Yuan Tengfei, from Beijing No. 4 middle school is a telling example. On the CCTV-10 forum, his history teaching is as intriguing as story telling.
In terms of the question of whether primary school should teach history and geography, I am convinced that the answer is positive. While higher educational institutions leave the freedom for students to choose among their favorite majors, primary school should give children chances to learn all the basic theories and facts, which, I believe, will play the role as an underpin for their future interest development.
(307 words)
[ 本帖最后由 laurawlqi 于 20-12-2009 02:54 编辑 ] |