我google map了一下“Shelly Beach Rd, Shelly Beach NSW 2261”,同时根据Shelly Beach网站的location提示:
* Proceed North on F3 freeway from Sydney (Wahroonga) or South from Newcastle (Hexham) for approximately 45 minutes to the Wyong / The Entrance exit.
* Travel East along Wyong Rd for approximately 10 minutes through numerous roundabouts.
* Pass through The Entrance Rd roundabout and you are now in Shelly Beach Rd.
* Turn right into Grandview St and left at next roundabout and we are located 50 metres on left, entry is via Sun Valley Tourist Park.
知道您二位组织活动已经很费心了,但俺是新司机, 很怕到那了转n圈还找不到地方。。。谢谢