*You have not provided detailed evidence of completing 900 hours of formal vocational training that directly
aligns with the nominated trade as per the requirements of the UAC.
*You have not provided evidence of undertaking a five year apprenticeship or traineeship in the nominated trade
as per the requirements of the UAC.
Please note that the traineeship or apprenticeship must have occurred within two years of undertaking
appropriate formal training.
2、我没有去过澳洲,在国内读的大专,然后毕业后在中国工厂工人三个月,然后车间主管四年吧,我申请的是4511-01 supervisor meat treadsperson 根据我这样的条件,您看我还需要补充什么材料呢。
4、A正规学徒培训,B 非正规学徒培训,c 职业培训 您看我适合选择哪一条呢
*You have not provided detailed evidence of completing 900 hours of formal vocational training that directly
aligns with the nominated trade ...