Macquarie Infrastructure Group
有支股票Macquarie Infrastructure Group我观察很久,不太明白价位为什么低,一个主营收费公路的公司,每年20c的分红,虽然去年的的状况不好,价位也不应该是1.45啊,近期盘整了几个月了,昨天还暴跌了7个点.有些糊涂,请大家分析分析.
Company Strategy
MIG focuses on user-pays toll roads in OECD countries. As at 30 Jun 09, MIGs portfolio value was approximately $5.1bn and a Net Asset Backing of approximately $2.54 per security. MIGs geographic split by value (ex SRG assets) is 9% Australia, 43% UK/Europe and 49% North America. The weighted average remaining concession length is 60 years. The company continues to see opportunities for toll road investments in North America and Europe. The Australian marketplace is also expected to generate several potential opportunities for MIG. During FY07, MIG continues the implementation of cost control resulting in improvement in EBITDA margins and increased take-up of electronic tolling. Macquarie Infrastructure Group reported net loss of $1.27bn for the half-year ended 31 December 2008. Total revenue and other income from continuing activities were $(1.61bn). Basic EPS was (53.66) cents compared to 41.61 cents last year. Net operating cash flow was $137.54m compared to $217.91m last year. The interim dividend declared was 10 cents in line with last year. The current dislocation in global economic and market conditions has had a negative impact on the valuation of MIGs investments in financial assets. The decrease in valuation of MIGs portfolio, which reflects unrealised mark-to-market movements, has resulted in a significant period-on-period decrease in total revenue. Underlying proportionate earnings from MIGs toll road assets have however increased during the period due to changes to a number of asset tolling schedules. The decrease in MIGs valuations has been driven by changes to asset discount rates reflecting the current market environment, lower forecast traffic volumes driven by the recessionary environment in the Northern Hemisphere, higher assumed financing costs across the portfolio, and the impact of macroeconomic factors such as long term inflationary expectations and foreign exchange rates.
Ordinary Dividends
Dividend Type Cents Per Share Franked % Ex-Dividend Date Pay Date
Final 10.00 9 24 Jun, 09 14 Aug, 09
Interim 10.00 0 23 Dec, 08 13 Feb, 09
Final 10.00 0 24 Jun, 08 14 Aug, 08
Interim 10.00 0 21 Dec, 07 14 Feb, 08
Final 10.00 0 25 Jun, 07 14 Aug, 07
Interim 10.00 0 21 Dec, 06 14 Feb, 07
Final 11.00 0 26 Jun, 06 15 Aug, 06
Interim 10.00 19 22 Dec, 05 14 Feb, 06
[ 本帖最后由 arsenal 于 24-10-2009 20:12 编辑 ] |